The Hub

The Hub Air-Air Heat Pump (ASHP)
Downstairs Room Temperature & outside temperature
Degrees Celsius
ASHP Elect. input
Estimate of carnot COP using estimated refrigerant temperatures only, and the Carnot equation. Defrosts (when they happen) will drop the estimate considerably
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Carnot COP x43% = 5.0
Evaporating Refrigerant 10.5 C
Refrigerant Condensing 21.4 C
Only meaningful when green (running)
Electrical power of heat pump (yellow). Blue is all other electric use. (fridges, heaters etc)
Total elec. power (ASHP + Other)
Outside 10.6 C
Other electric use
Room Temp. 15.9 C (mid)
Kitchen power
Room Temp. 15.8 C (by blower)
Refrigerant1 probe probably superheated. Refrigerant2 probe probably condensing temperature
Energy, kWh per day
Yellow = heat pump input (watts). . Blue = other electrical use (watts)
Heat Pump input and temperatures
The overnight blue shows fridges and freezers. The spikes are the freezer defosting
Kitchen kWh per day
Hover mouse over bars to read values. The Total is all electricity, including heat pump and kitchen
Much worse if defrosts
13/01/2025 blue spikes are freezer defrosting. It seems to have a fault at present
(only meaningful if button green)